Summer schools

Summer schools "Theory of NMR"

The group organizes an annual one-week summer school in
an old youth hostel nearby Leipzig. These schools are supported by the International Society of Magnetic Resonance ISMAR.


(I) General NMR (Sun 27th March - Sat 2 April 2022)

(II) Relaxation (Sun 26th March - Sat 1st April 2023)

(III) Solid-state NMR (Sun 10th March - Sat 16st March 2024)

(IV) Hyperpolarization (Sun 16st March - Sat 22nd March 2025)

(V) Spin-Chemistry (2026)


Summer school at Schloss Windischleuba on Hyperpolarized NMR: 16 - 22 March 2025

There will  be a summer school on Hyperpolarized NMR at Youth hostel Schloss Windischleuba (40 km South of Leipzig/Germany) from Sun/16 March (evening) to Sat/22 March (morning) 2025 supported by ISMAR and HYP*MOL (on Linked-In). The school is the fourth of a cycle of four schools.

Topics will be: General view on hyperpolarization, DNP methodology, PHIP and SABRE, NV centers, CIDEP and CIDNP, level crossing analysis, long-lived states.


Eike BRUNNER (TU Dresden),

Björn CORZILIUS (Univ. Rostock),

James EILLS (Helmholtz Center Jülich),

Gunnar JESCHKE (ETH Zürich),

P.K. MADHU (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Hyderabad),

Jennifer MATHIES (Univ. Konstanz),

Ilia SOLOV'YOV (Univ. Oldenburg).

Organizer: Jörg Matysik (Univ. Leipzig).

Practical information: see below.

Program: PDF.

Price: 480 EUROs.

Entire program, teaching materials, excursion and full accommodation with all meals are included.

Participants pay for transport by themself.

For travelers from far, with generous support of ISMAR and HYP*MOL, we might provide a grant by dropping the fee for participation.

Max number of students = 44.

Deadline for application = The call is CLOSED.

We had about 100 applicants from allover the world.

Committee informed candidates at 1st week of Nov about acceptance, waiting list or rejection.

Selected participants are expected to stay the full period.

Summer school teaching program will also be broadcasted via Zoom.

Dear participants: There are constructions on the railway between Leipzig and Altenburg.

We will keep you informed.


"Solid-state NMR": 10 - 16 March 2024

Summer school III has been hold from Sun/10 March to Sat/16 March 2023 at the Youth hostel at Windischleuba.

Topics have been:

Basics of solid-state NMR, quantum mechanics, spin-interactions, tensors, Euler angles, static case, MAS, CP, instrumentation, decoupling, recoupling, operators, AHT, multidimensional experiments, molecular motion, polymers, quadrupolar nuclei, biomolecules, protons at high MAS and high field.


Amir Goldbourt (Tel Aviv University),

Olivier Lafon (Université de Lille),

P.K. Madhu (TIFR Hyderabad),

Kay Saalwächter (Universität Halle-Wittenberg),

Albert Smith (Universität Leipzig),

Zdeněk Tošner (Charles Univ. Prague),

Thomas Wiegand (Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen).

Organizer: Jörg Matysik (Univ. Leipzig).

Program: here.


"Relaxation" in 2023

Summer school II has been hold from Sun/26 March to Sat/1 April 2023 at the Youth hostel at Windischleuba. 


The topics:

Basics of NMR, basic quantum mechanics,

Hamiltonians, Liouville space and super operators,

Redfield theory, correlation functions and spectral density functions,

relaxation pathways, relaxation mechanisms, relaxation in solids,

relaxometry, paramagnetic relaxation,

thermalization, Lindblaad formalism.

The teachers have been:

Christian Bengs (Univ. Southampton),

Matthias Ernst (ETH Zürich),

Amir Goldbourt (Tel Aviv University),

Paul Schanda (IST Austria),

Albert Smith (Univ. Leipzig).

Organizer: Jörg Matysik (Univ. Leipzig).


"GENERAL NMR" in 2022


Summer School I "General NMR" has been be hold from Sun 27th March to Sat 2nd April 2022.

The school will be dedicated to basic concepts of NMR and EPR.


Quantum mechanics of NMR and EPR


Spin interactions

Density operator formalism

Product operator formalism

Simulation software "Simpson" 

Solid state NMR: MAS and CP

Decoupling and recoupling

Multidimensional experiments



Tatyana Polenova (Univ. Delaware),

Christian Bengs (Univ. Southampton),

Gunnar Jeschke (ETH Zürich),

P.K. Madhu (TIFR Hyderabad),

Jörg Matysik (Univ. Leipzig),

Paul Schanda (IST Austria),

Zdenek Tosner (Charles Univ. Prague).


Jörg Matysik (Univ. Leipzig)


Participants pay for TRANSPORT by themself.

The FEE of the Summer School covers accommodation, food, participation on the entire program incl. teaching documents.

Information about the Youth Hostel "Schloss Windischleuba": see more.


Q: Is the summer school only for PhD students?

A: No, also MSc students, postdocs and even young group leaders are welcome to attend. The motivation needs to be explained in the application.

Q: What kind of lectures will be given at the summer school? Will professors give presentations or they will use blackboard to give lectures?

A: Teachers will use "Power Point" and traditional blackboard. Print-outs and PDFs will be provided.

Q: In case there will be a script, is it possible to get it in electronic form earlier so one could have them during lectures and make notes much easier and more complete? 

A: The printed script will be available when the school starts. The PDFs will be also available per "Dropbox" cloud storage.

Q: Will be an examination at the end of the course?

A: There will be no examination. 

Q: Will there be a poster session for students?

A: There will be no poster session or something similar. The teaching program will be entirely done by the teachers. Discussions among students and with the teachers are strongly encouraged the whole time.

Q: How to reach the Youth Hostel on Sunday?

A: From Leipzig Hbf (Main Station) to Altenburg by S-Bahn (regional train S5 and S5X), see: "" (German Railways, several languages available at the right top side).  Train will take about 40 minutes. As we experienced, the transport function of Google Maps might MISGUIDE you. HERE is a map for the local transport. Altenburg is located in between Leipzig and Zwickau.

Sunday 16 March 2025: At 16.30 and 18.00 will be a shuttle bus transfer from railway station "Bahnhof ALTENBURG" to the Youth Hostel. Please plan your trip accordingly. 

Walking from station to the Youth hostel might take you an hour (1h). If you are lucky, also taxis are available. If you are too late, Hotel Astor, close to the Altenburg railway station might provide you a shelter.

Q: What type of food can I expect?

A: Proper traditional German cuisine (as Schnitzel and Bratwurst). If you are lucky, there also might be even the very local Mutzbraten. At the Youth hostel, there is also a coke machine, and wine and beer will be available.

Q: Can I require special food?

A: Although the kitchen team is very small and no reasonable person can expect 5-star hotel service, they manage to organize for the main dishes also veg and vegan food as well as gluten-free meals. For the cake in the afternoon, unfortunately, no variations are available.

Q: Do I have to bring towels/bed covers?

A: Please bring TOWELS with you. Bed covers will be provided.

Q: Which comfort of accommodation can I expect?

A: It is a nice old Youth Hostel with mainly 4- or 6-bed rooms, each having its own bathroom attached. By the way, there might be some dust in the old castle.

Q: Is there a castle ghost?

A: We do not know. There is some rumor about it. The ghost might appear mainly at midnight. There are frequent reports but strong scientific evidence is still missing. Also, to the best of our knowledge, no Hamiltonian including the action of the ghost into spin dynamics has been discussed in the scientific literature.

Q: Which type of clothing will be required?

A: Informal clothing. Be prepared that it might be cold in Germany during the early spring. We will be staying in a really old castle which is not always fully heated. A set of warm cloths is probably advisable.


Q: Should I travel with suitcase or backpacker?

A: For the transport by bus on Sun and on Sat, there is a kind request by the bus company since space for luggage is limited:

Please do not travel with hard protective suitcases. 

Q: How much magnetic resonance I need to know to understand the lectures?

A: You need to be acquainted with terms as: eigen state, resonance, 90-degree pulse, offset, coherence, FID, FT, chemical shift, J-coupling, dipolar interaction, T1, T2, the principle of 2D experiments. Read in the NMR text books of, e.g., Harald Günther, James Keeler or Malcolm Levitt much as possible.

Q: Is it possible to join per video conference?

A: Yes, talks and exercises will also be broadcasted via Zoom. Participation per Zoom also needs enrolement. Online participants will not receive a certificate of attendance.

Q: Will students obtain ECTS points?

A: No. The summer school is not part of any official university programme and has no final examination.

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